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A shipwreck makes for strange stagefellows when a group of convicted camorra criminals and a ragtag company of actors wash up together on. The theatre turns into a free zone where everyone may not be able to recover their social role but for sure their humanity. Get your team aligned with all the tools you need on one secure, reliable video platform. Fleeing members of camorra and a company of theatres actors in search of reputation end up in a prisonisland after a shipwreck. Una modesta compagnia di teatranti naufraga sulle rive dellasinara, isola carceraria nel mezzo del mediterraneo duran.

The stuff of dreams recounts the vicissitudes of a modest theatrical troupe castaway off the coast of a remote mediterranean island together with dangerous members of the camorra. Members of the camorra on the run and actors seeking for authority meet after a shipwreck on an islandprison. Drama, comedy italy, france international premiere. Sergio rubini, ennio fantastichini, teresa saponangelo, francesco di leva, ciro petrone, gianfranco cabiddu, sergio rubini, ennio fantastichini. Il nuovo film di gianfranco cabiddu in uscita il 2 dicembre 2016. The theatre turns into a free zone where everyone may not be able to recover. Dezember 2016 kinoprogramm filmmuseum deutsches filminstitut.

Vor einer kleinen abgelegenen insel vor sardinien kentert kurz. Dopo una tempesta, una nave finisce sulle coste di unisolacarcere della sardegna. Mal distribuito nel dicembre 2016, occorre recuperarlo per apprezzarne sceneggiatura, recitazione e capacita registica. Cinema, globi doro 2016 a perfetti sconosciuti e jeeg robot. Recensione, cast, citazioni, curiosita e molto altro. Vote up content that is ontopic, within the rulesguidelines, and will likely stay relevant longterm. Votes are used to help determine the most interesting content on rym. With sergio rubini, ennio fantastichini, teresa saponangelo, alba gaia bellugi.

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